A Handful of 1980’s Cherry Catalogues
A nice surprise to break up the routine a bit - four 1980’s Cherry catalogues featuring switches, keyboards, technical diagrams, pricing, and so much more all scanned and upload for viewing. These are definitely some catalogue worth scrolling through if you’re as interested in vintage Cherry switches as I am!
Odd Switch Short IV: AEBoards Raed HE/Naevy EC
What if I told you these switch prototypes let you have Hall Effect or Electrocapacitive style mechanisms, with a Topre-style hand feel, and they were designed to fit into the MX footprint? It seems like AEBoards managed to do almost everything with these Raed HE and Naevy EC switches, and you’ll definitely want to see these prototypes before they hit the shelves…
2024 Manufacturer Update
This is the (yet again overdue) official announcement recognizing the existence of SWK, HMX, and Keygeek, as well as some associated documentation changes that come with it. Stop in for some proof of life and a brief introduction to these new names you'll certainly be hearing more about soon...
A Scorecard Time Change
It's about time for a change. A time change.
This short article heralds the debut of the new 'Time Weighted' scoring system for switches and the application of a time decay function to fix issues with contextual scores not adjusting with the times. If you don't like it, remember that most of you asked for something like this in one way or another...
The Hirose Cherry MX Rainbow
Yeah, this one is a pretty long overdue short. In light of recent Hirose switch discoveries, this is a brief, photo-heavy showcase of all the known rare Hirose Cherry MX switch colors known to date so far!
A Plateau, A Cliff, and Physics Walk Into a Switch Bar
This short takes a shallow dive into two odd features I noticed as I’ve been processing linearity data from linear switch force curves over the past few months and the potential physical origins for their appearance.
Switchastrophes: When Manufacturing Goes Bad
Have you ever seen a completely messed up switch come from the factory before? Do you even know how a factory could mess up their switches? This short article not only walks through the process of how switches are made briefly, but does so while showing you what can and does go wrong along the way…
An Interesting Marquardt Switch Find…
This is a bit of a detour from my normal written content. Herein is a scanned upload of a 1978/1979 catalogue of Marquardt Keyboard Switches - something which I do not believe is currently hosted anywhere else online.
Managing a 2500+ Switch Collection
It’s not every weekend that I have to sit down and add over 200 new switches to the collection in one sitting. Reflecting on that a bit, I doubt its something too many people ever have to do. Curious as to what that’s like, or how I manage to keep track of my switch collection behind the scenes? This is the short article for you.
2023 Manufacturer Update
It was long overdue on my part, but here we are anyways. This is the official announcement recognizing the existence of Grain Gold, LICHICX, Jerrzi, and SOAI, as well as the associated documentation changes that came with it. Stop in for some proof of life and marketing documentation from these various production houses.
Odd Switch Short III: MK Dose
Imagine two switches in one, but instead of two it’s actually three… or supposedly four even though it’s still just one switch? Honestly there’s a reason that this is a short article. I’m not sure I could take too much of this…
Odd Switch Short II: TTC Venus/Neptune
While I have already briefly touched on just how well these switches perform in a Scorecard Sunday update, I would be remiss if I didn’t at least share the internal designs which make these switches even more interesting. It’s a shame I never got enough in hand to do a full length review…

Lubing Switches: Where to Lube
An exploration on where friction occurs inside of switches and where lubrication might best be suited. Originally wrote by Walker of Walker’s Keyboard Science and published to Imgur on September 18th, 2018.
Odd Switch Short I: HAPE Orange
Yes, I’ve somehow milked even more out of these pretty orange switches. However, I assure you the mechanism that makes them silent linears is much more interesting than you or I could have anticipated…
Are Break-In Machines Realistic?
I mean sure, they really do “break in” switches. What is this even asking? Is this entire article me just finally having lost sanity and succumbing to an existential crisis by way of break in machine?? Not quite. In fact, I think it’s a much more interesting and subtle question not many people have asked…
Fancy Switch… Boxes?
With all the extra attention being paid to switch packaging in this day and age, I couldn’t help but think it would be neat to show off my favorite type that has emerged as a result. Here we take a brief look at the 35-switch box and a couple of the forms it has come in up to 2023.