RAMA WORKS Duck Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

RAMA WORKS Duck Switch Review

With brand new ‘MUTE’ dampening pads built into the bottom housings, these new RAMA WORKS Duck switches boast quite a bit of promise as the next new innovation in Gateron switches. But are these switches truly everything they’re quacked up to be..?

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Zeal 3-in-1 Clickiez Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Zeal 3-in-1 Clickiez Switch Review

Ever wanted 3 reviews crammed into the space of 1? Well, you can thank Zeal for this one as I couldn’t find any other way to discuss the incredibly interesting, uniquely designed, 3-in-1 Clickiez switches. Make sure to grab yourself some food before starting this one…

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Designer Studio Graphite Gold Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Designer Studio Graphite Gold Switch Review

While I’ve chalked up 2022 to being the year of Gateron and Kailh thus far along, maybe its not too late to toss in another set of contenders. Heading up an exploration of the ‘switch designer’ trend here in 2022 is the Graphite Gold switches from Designer Studios.

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Momoka Shark Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Momoka Shark Switch Review

You know I’m sitting here writing this splash introduction and realized I didn’t make a single Jaws reference in this entire switch review. Consider this your one ‘bigger boat’ reference as you’re definitely going to need it to fit these tactile bumps into your boards…

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Novelkeys Cream Arc Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Novelkeys Cream Arc Switch Review

Yet another switch review? Yet another Novelkeys Cream variant? Yet another fourth wall break on this website? While all of those are certainly true, both these switches and this review pack a rather interesting punch you won’t want to miss…

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TTC Tiger Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

TTC Tiger Switch Review

After a month hiatus from switch reviews, what choice do I have but to return on a big one? Take a look at one of the most detail packed, engineering heavy MX-style switch designs you’ve ever seen before in the TTC Tiger switches. Who knows, maybe they even perform like no other switch too…

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Gateron Mink Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Gateron Mink Switch Review

You know, come to think of it, I don’t even know what a mink is. How am I supposed to write some pun-filled, sarcastic hook line to get you to click on this review now? Screw it - Gateron Mink switch review and you should click on it or else.

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Ultraclearine Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Ultraclearine Switch Review

That’s right, I’m kicking off another month of a weekday review rather than a normal Sunday one. Needless to say, the Ultraclearine switches are truly unique switches that you have to see for yourself to believe…

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Kailh Christmas Tree Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Kailh Christmas Tree Switch Review

Christmas in… March? While certainly an anachronistic release by Kailh, the new Christmas Tree switches pack a present of their own never seen before in modern, MX style switches. Click here to unwrap this review and find out what Santa couldn’t wait until December to deliver.

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Meta Update IV
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Meta Update IV

The website is officially now two years old! What better way to celebrate with a verbose and overly detailed look back at the entire year of content and some loose plans for the future.

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