RAMA WORKS Duck Switch Review
Man, I had no idea I would look so forward to getting back into the word processor and working on a full-length review again. I’ve come to recognize, through sheer force of will, that those of you who produce content for the mechanical keyboard community on alternative platforms such as Twitch and YouTube have an infinitely harder task than I think I ever would have assumed. (And for that, I have gained a deeper respect for your craft.) For those of you who were not aware, on Thursday, July 21st I participated in a Blind Switch Identification Challenge leveled by Cannonkeys live on Twitch for everyone and anyone to view. What resulted of this was a nearly 6-hour long stream, over 1500 switches given away, and me surprisingly not tanking my switch reviewing cred along the way. Of the 11 switches stocked by Cannonkeys that I was tasked to identify blindly, I doubled the previous record set on the experiment with 6 correct guesses. Fate would have it that I would have done even better as I had originally had 8 correct but swapped two of my correct answers at the last moment, confusing a Cherry MX Clear for a Neapolitan Ice Cream switch.
Figure 1: Blind Switch Identification Bakeneko from Cannonkeys. During the test I got the Ceruleans, Gateron Mizu Mink, Coffee Chip Ice Cream, Dark Amber T1, Cherry MX Red, and Anubis switches correct.
In addition to all the switches, fun, and nearly career ending guessing that I did, there was as expected quite a bit of scuff. In fact, I promised scuff out of the gate and even through technical issues and me forgetting how to nearly speak English coherently towards the end, I made it through the 6-hour stream more or less… and put out a VOD that mysteriously did not record any sound whatsoever. Scuff in, scuff out. Rest assured though, that there will likely be more streams of me in the future here or there discussing switches more, flexing keyboards that I forgot I had in boxes, or just trying to vary up the content a bit for my sanity. Despite my best efforts to scuff the stream thoroughly, though, I have to give deepest thanks to my moderator team for the event as well as my sponsors of the website. The moderator team, consisting of appalogies, Enomooshiki, 1nst1g8tor, and iamELVN, all of which you can follow by clicking on their links attached to their names, helped set up endless commands, made sure the giveaways went smoothly, and saved me from doxing myself more than a few times. And equally as important, each and every one of my sponsors offered up switches galore, and you should check them out at the bottom of this review in order to support all of them who have supported me up to this point as well as Cannonkeys who has now freshly joined that list as well. While I may just be one goat on this website, seemingly without much help from anyone at times, I did want to start off this review by reminding you all of just how many awesome people have helped bring me to this point in time and have helped get the various types of content that I have out and in more or less one piece.
Switch Background
Coming off of the latest Gateron-made switch review I’ve completed in Zeal’s 3-in-1 Clickiez switches, I am a tiny bit excited I can save a few trees in writing this as the Duck switches have significantly less backstory surrounding them. First teased by RAMA WORKS on May 12th of 2022, the Duck switches were announced as being the first RAMA-exclusive mechanical keyboard switches to supplement their other lines of related mechanical keyboards and keycap sets. While extremely little in the way of details were provided in this initial teaser, it was decently well implied from the marketing at the time that these switches would boast some level of customization and simply wouldn’t be a nameplate swap as many people have come to associate with Tecsee made switches as of late. Additionally, the Wayback Machine has had significant historical troubles in capturing full pages of RAMA’s website and thus I am working mostly on memory and private discussions I had with other switch enthusiasts at the time to portray this announcement back in May.
Figure 2: RAMA WORKS Duck component blowout diagram render from sales page.
Beginning back in 2016, RAMA WORKS was founded by Renan Ramadan and based out of Melbourne, Australia where they remain to date. Ostensibly wealthy based on his slew of daily Instagram posts/stories flexing G-Wagons, designer clothing, and high end meals with his significant other, RAMA WORKS appears to be more or less a side project of Mr. Ramadan that, according to their own company details, “transcends any one industry or application… while focusing on clean iteration, and instant brand recognition”. To that end, I would argue that RAMA WORKS as a company has been more than successful since their launch in 2016, producing a wide array of high end, artistic products which serve varying degrees of utility. Ranging from questionable levels of functionality such as the recently announced, polyethylene RAMA Bat and special engraved NFC Cards to ultra sleek, highly stylized keyboards in the M60-A and U80-A RAMA, continues to seemingly produce whatever peaks their interest on a month to month basis.
Figure 3: On a scale of 10 to 10, how unnerved would you be if your Tinder date brought you home to this setup?
As for their history more focused on the highly utilitarian products of mechanical keyboards, an early Geekhack project directory from user KingRama details a relatively undiscussed set of releases predating that of boards such as the M65 which many people associate as the first major RAMA release. In this thread, it appears as if RAMA began producing keyboards in August of 2016, starting with macropads such as the M4-A and M10-A prior to moving onto smaller commission boards such as the M36-A, an ortholinear 40% board, as well as the publicly released version in the M36-B. Scaling up in size in terms of both community notice as well as physical size, releases in the 65% keyboard layout came by way of the M65-A and M67-A, the latter of the two going on to become the EXENT 65% keyboard in name. Featuring contributions from TGR, Aconic, and OriginativeCo on top of that of RAMA, this truly sits today as an ultimate hypebeast lineup of logos to have on a keyboard.
Figure 4: Back side weight design of the Exent 65% showing some of the involved brands.
Beyond these early days, the releases from RAMA begin to blur together into a jumble of letters and numbers, varying in sizes between 60% and TKLs with different technologies released with each one. Boards such as the Koyu, M60-A, U80-A, M65-B, etc. all blend together into a mesh of releases that are quite frankly beyond my ability to track release dates for but are all still present on the RAMA WORKS website for viewing. Of these newer RAMA releases, though, the M60-B, M65-B, U80-B, and most recently KARA lines all feature what is known as RAMA’s ‘MUTE’ mounting platform, which is a silicone gasket based dampening system to minimize vibrations when typing. Present in several other keyboards both before and after by less stylized names, this gasket mounting technology would go on to be the main selling point and creative design flair marketed for the Duck switches released well after these keyboards.
Figure 5: RAMA WORKS M60-A component blowout render showing translucent white MUTE mounting system.
In the weeks following the initial teaser of the RAMA WORKS Duck switches, further details were trickled out via a series of social media posts from RAMA, as well as stylized marketing videos and typing tests. Throughout these various announcements, further details were picked up regarding the Ducks in that they were to be manufactured by Gateron, feature an adaptation of the MUTE mounting system integrated into the bottom housings of the switches, as well as come factory pre-lubed with multi-stage springs. On June 9th, it was announced by RAMA WORKS on Twitter that sample sets of switches were being sent out to content creators, of which I was not originally a part of until I quote tweeted them into providing me a set in advance. Having wanted to review these already upon release solely based on the MUTE mounting system, alone, I figured a tiny bit of selling out in the public eye would be for the best of all of us…
Figure 6: A goat has to do what a goat has to do.
While no other content creators have reviewed the switches to the best of my knowledge and as of the time of writing this review, pre-order sales for the RAMA Duck switches opened in mid June and are stated as lasting until July 31st of 2022. The switches come in packs of 10, 70, or 90 with price differences at each, respectively costing $1.20, $1.11, and $0.97 per switch at each pack size. Even though no statement has been made as to the long term nature of the Duck switches, I anticipate that these switches will likely remain as in-stock options for RAMA WORKS following the pre-order and fulfillment period, as is common for keyboard-maker branded switch releases thus far.
Duck Switch Performance
Note: As previously stated above in the Background section, I was provided these release switches as well as prototypes from RAMA WORKS after expressing interest in wanting to a review a set of them. While I made this review with zero editorial input from RAMA, nor were they informed of when I would post it, I do want to include this note to be transparent and to perhaps explain any biases that you may feel that I have. I was not paid for this review, either.
At the highest level, the RAMA WORKS Duck switches look outwardly extremely similar to that of the Gateron KS9 Yellow Pro switches, both 1.0 and 2.0 versions. While there are some subtle color differences between them in the bottom housings, all of the other distinguishing features are internal and strikingly noticeable. The switches come with a clear, polycarbonate top housing over a subtle off-white colored, tastefully thick bottom housing made of nylon and a yellow POM stem. While certainly not new in the grand scheme of switches, the Ducks come with 62g, progressive two-stage springs that are black in color. Historically, black springs have been seen in some Gateron switches such as those of the Oil Kings as well as the Aliaz switches released back in 2016.
Figure 7: RAMA WORKS Duck switch and components.
Looking specifically to the top housings of the Duck switches, they are clear, polycarbonate in design and seamlessly blend in with the recent releases from Gateron with the inverted ‘GATERON’ nameplate. Like some other, higher end releases from Gateron such as the Drop Holy Panda X and Gateron Oil King switches, the Ducks also feature a wide, rectangular LED slot that is bifurcated down the center with a thin piece of plastic. This is one of the distinguishing features of the Ducks from that of the Gateron KS9 Pro 2.0 Yellows, which instead feature a very small LED diffusion bubble in place of a through-switch LED slot. Internally, the design of the Duck top housings are virtually identical to that of other previously mentioned premium Gateron designs. Specifically, the mold markings in the upper left- and right-hand corners underneath the nameplate region are identical to that of the Oil Kings and feature two leftward facing capital letters, one in each corner.
Figure 8: RAMA WORKS Duck switch top housing external design showing inverted 'GATERON' nameplate and bifurcated LED slot region.
Figure 9: RAMA WORKS Duck switch top housing internal designs showing single capital letter mold markings in upper right- and left-hand side corners.
Moving onto the stems of the RAMA WORKS Duck switches, they are outwardly damn near identical to that of other previously released Gateron linear switches. A few features worth noting for performance reasons are that of the non-tapered slider rails which have a comparatively heavy amount of factory lubing as well as the longer central pole than normal, which leads to a reduced travel distance in the switch of around 3.7 mm versus the traditional, full 4.0 mm travel distance. With respect to more mold-based design features, the backplate is bare and the front plate features a pair of low set, shallow mold ejector circles directly over that of the leaf legs. As well, the same random distribution of N/E and N/W keycap stem mounting notches that I first noted in the Drop Holy Panda X Switch Review also appears here in the Duck switches as well, as can be seen below in Figure 11.
Figure 10: RAMA WORKS Duck stem showing factory lubrication, non-tapered slider rail, and extended central pole.
Figure 11: Keycap stem mount notches in N/E and N/W configurations on the RAMA WORKS Duck switches.
Finally arriving to where the bulk of the engineering and design details were focused on with the Duck switches, we arrive at the bottom housings. Internally, unlike that of the other premium Gateron switches mentioned above, the Duck switches have quite an amalgamation of features worth noting. In line with common modern design features, these switches feature a north and south side spring collar as well as rectangular, padded bottoming out regions at the bottom of the slider rails which are different in shape to those in the Gateron Holy Panda X switches. Additionally, along the upper rim of the of the bottom housing are a set of four of the ‘MUTE’ mounting pads with one in each corner parallel in orientation to that of the LED slot region.
Figure 12: RAMA WORKS Duck switch bottom housing internals showing MUTE pads along upper rim, padded bottoming outs in the slider rails, and N and S side spring collars.
Situated in each of the four corners, the MUTE pads are identical in design as to that seen in previous design renders and appear to be ‘H’ shaped, with the left and right sides of the letter forming the tops and bottoms of the muting pads. These pads are placed into a small slot in each corner of the housing, as can be seen below in Figure 13 ostensibly by a machine as they are rather firmly wedged in there and most certainly were not intended to be removed. As can be seen in that same image, I have included my mangled MUTE pads that were removed with a substantial amount of difficulty. I would argue this to be likely harder than doing the dreaded modification task of leaf swapping between switches. The MUTE pads, themselves, are a light, whiteish color and blend in quite well with the bottom housings. When installed, as can be seen below in Figure 14, they sit no more than a tenth of a millimeter above the edge of the housing, which is even thinner than some of the thinner switch films I know such as Kinetic Labs’ Kelowna PVC films, measuring in at 0.15 mm in thickness or TX’s 0.125 mm TX Films.
Figure 13: Side by side comparison of RAMA WORKS Duck switch with MUTE pads removed (Left) and installed as per stock (Right).
Figure 14: Side profile of RAMA WORKS Duck switch showing height of MUTE pads as installed in the switches in stock form.
As for the exteriors of the bottom housings of the Duck switches, they more or less appear identical to that of other previous Gateron releases. Aside the tiny undersides of the MUTE pads around the upper ledge, which are almost impossible to see, the bottom housings are PCB mount and have four LED/Diode pins as is traditional per the design of Gateron housings. The Ducks also feature an anticounterfeit ‘GATERON’ tag between the metal PCB pins as well as a pair of capital, single letter mold markings more centrally located on the underside than the common location in between the LED/Diode pin holes. This has been seen previously in recently released Gateron KS3 switches, as well as some older ones such as the Keyfirst Creams, which were made as custom orders by Gateron.
Figure 15: RAMA WORKS Duck switch bottom housing externals showing PCB mount pins, 'GATERON' anticounterfeit marking, and high set pairing of capital letter mold markings.
Push Feel
Regarding the RAMA WORKS Duck switches’ overall performance as linears, unsurprisingly the souped-up Gateron molds and premium production value that has been common in the past year’s worth of releases pays off yet again. These switches are consistently smooth throughout the stroke in all of the switches that I tried and are also pretty damn consistent across the entirety of the batch that I had received. While each Duck switch is certainly more noticeably lubed than that of something thinly factory lubed from a manufacturer like Tecsee or Aflion, it certainly is not overdone here in a very similar fashion to that of the Oil King switches, regardless of what it may appear like from the images of the stems above.
As for the housing collisions of the Duck switches, we take a little bit of a dip in their performance when considering them over that of just the straight linear smoothness of them. As is expected and without much surprise, the thinness of the topping out due to the clear, polycarbonate housing material does give a slightly jarring, thin feeling as opposed to that of the nylon bottoming out. To RAMA’s credit, though, the choice of making the release switches long pole in order to reduce travel distance actually helps in regard to the housing collisions a bit, as the sharper, more pointed bottoming out provides a less contrasting set of housing collisions between upstroke and downstroke. Otherwise, the slightly shortened travel distance is hardly noticeable in usage, as it only shaves off 0.3 mm or so, whereas traditional ‘short travel’ switches shave off 0.5 mm or more. A force curve showing this shortened travel distance can be found below in Figure 16.
Figure 16: RAMA WORKS Duck force curve diagram.
Interestingly, there are two more details worth noting in the Push Feel section of this review regarding early prototype switches as well as the MUTE pads, themselves. Working in reverse order to that in some twisted and sleep deprived editorial sense, I removed the MUTE pads from several switches for testing’s sake and found that they hardly make a difference in their presence or absence. Truly, the only thing I noted with respect to Push Feel of the pad-less switches is that their topping out felt a bit more solid and wasn’t as harsh as the switches which did have pads installed. Additionally, there was no discernable difference in consistency in feeling across a batch of switches with and without pads, something which was marketed as a supposed benefit of the presence of the pads. As for the prototype switches, the Duck 1 and Duck 2 samples both feature identical springs to that of the release switches with the only Push Feel related difference being that the original prototypes were not long pole and instead had a more traditional bottoming out distance. For a comparison between each of the two prototype samples and the release variants, please see Figure 17, below.
Figure 17: Comparison of the force curves for the first and second prototypes of the RAMA Duck switches as well as the final release switch.
Figure 18: Image of RAMA WORKS Duck Sample 1 (Left) and Sample 2 (Right) as received from RAMA.
As cliché as it is this far along in the review writing process for me to say, the sound of the RAMA WORKS Duck switches really does match that of the ‘Push Feel’, yet again. These switches are smooth without any semblance of scratch in any of the switches and have a medium pitched, pointed bottoming out followed by a slightly sharper, higher pitched topping out. There was some minor amounts of occasional spring ping in the switches which I did receive in my batch, which is worth noting, though it is few and far between even compared to other switches made outside of recent Gateron offerings. I do wish to point out though, that yet again consistency isn’t exactly all that great or necessarily better than average offerings from any company. While the MUTE pads were specifically marketed to improve sound consistency, approximately 30% of my batch of switches had a slight sticking sound to the topping out that did very noticeably alter their pitch and overall volume.
Again, comparing the release versions of the Ducks to ones in which the MUTE pads were removed, there is no difference in consistency with respect to sound compared across multiple switches. Interestingly enough, though, the removal of the MUTE pads does seem to actually decrease the overall volume of the topping out in a rather oxymoronic fashion. To be completely honest and to share my personal opinion here, I almost prefer the sound of the switches without the MUTE pads as it is a bit more balanced, subtle, and closer to that milky Gateron housing sound that I have not heard of a single person in the hobby not liking.
With respect to stem wobble, the RAMA WORKS Duck switches are pretty good in the grand scheme of things but relatively on par with recent Gateron switch wobbles in a more narrow scope. While there is a slightly noticeable, almost certainly unproblematic amount of E/W direction stem wobble, there is a tiny bit greater amount in the N/S direction that may become problematic to those users who are particularly sensitive to wobble and/or are using taller keycap profiles. There was no discernable housing wobble in any of the switches in the batch that I received, and none occurred after having opened and closed the switches a few times.
Interestingly, yet again, the removal of the MUTE pads from the Duck switches does not appear to have made any significant change in wobble of either the stem or the top housings whatsoever. While films, traditionally, have improved the tolerances of top housing wobble in the rare few modern switches which do have wobble, they are more or less are used for acoustic based aftermarket modifications. In a similar way, it appears that the MUTE pads don’t perceivably to do anything to top housing wobble as the new Gateron molds simply don’t have that issue to begin with. As well, even if the switches did have top housing wobble without the MUTE pads, the effectiveness of 0.1 mm “films” at 20% of the area of normal film coverage would likely have dubious effects, at best.
If you’re into this level of detail about your switches, you should know that I have a switch measurement sheet that logs all of this data, as well as many other cool features which can be found under the ‘Archive’ tab at the top of this page or by clicking on the card above. Known as the ‘Measurement Sheet’, this sheet typically gets updated weekly and aims to take physical measurements of various switch components to compare mold designs on a brand-by-brand basis as well as provide a rough frankenswitching estimation sheet for combining various stems and top housings.
Figure 20: RAMA WORKS Duck 'butterfly style' force curve diagram.
The latest in the content-adjacent work that I’ve picked up, the new ‘Force Curve Repository’ is now hosted on GitHub alongside the Scorecard Repository and contains all force curves that I make both within and outside of reviews. In addition to having these graphs above, I have various other versions of the graphs, raw data, and my processed data all available for each switch to use as you please. Check it out via the ‘Archive’ tab at the top of this page or by clicking any of the force curve cards above.
Break In
Break In Notes
17,000 Actuations
- At 17,000 actuations, the subtle differences with respect to sound noted above in roughly 30% of switches only grew in terms of magnitude making the batch feel less coherent. In fact, as you’ll see throughout the rest of the scorecard, this widening in variability more or less appears to be consistent regardless of the break in time of the switches.
- As is rather common across the break in testing that I have done thus far, there is a slight increase in both N/S and E/W stem wobble in the Duck switches after actuating them out this far.
34,000 Actuations
- At 34,000 actuations, the same issues with respect to sound consistency persist in the Duck switches but also become recognizable in push feeling of the switches as well. At this point, transient differences in bottoming outs became noticeable as well when testing the switches out.
- The stem wobble, much like the 17,000 actuations case is slightly worse than that of the stock RAMA WORKS Duck switches, but the differences between 17,000 and 34,000 actuations are more or less negligible.
51,000 Actuations
- At 51,000 actuations, all of the previous aforementioned issues with respect to consistency persist fairly evenly. Additionally, moderate amounts of transient spring ping also became noticeable on a small number of switches that were tested.
- All things considered, while these switches certainly didn’t appear to improve with respect to break in time by any of the metrics that I tracked here, they certainly did change a lot less than the vast majority of other switches I have previously tested in this way. To that end, their durability or persistence in initial performance is worth noting here.
When the first renders of the Duck switches were released by RAMA WORKS, I was quite surprised at the relative simplicity of the design and color scheme that they boasted. Given the sheer volume of renders which RAMA WORKS has produced for their products over the years, they’ve had some downright nutty looking switch designs that would have made for incredibly more interesting debut into the custom switch scene. Sure, both of the renders below came from 2016, which was well before the days of Durock/JWK, Tecsee, and the explosion in switch customizability, but the creativity that these renders showed 6 years ago I would have assumed would have translated into the modern day. To be honest, I’m a little sad that they didn’t and instead of having side stamped Blues or opaque milky housings with translucent amber stems we are given something akin to an Off-White Gateron Yellow.
Figure 23: RAMA WORKS White and Gold switch render from a previous keyboard release.
Figure 24: RAMA WORKS M10-A render featuring 'side-stamped RAMA' MX-Blue like switches.
Comparison Notes to Other Notable Linear Switches
Note – These are not aimed at being comprehensive comparisons between all factors of these switches as this would simply be too long for this writeup. These are little notes of interest I generated when comparing these switches to the RAMA WORKS Ducks side by side.
Figure 25: Switches for comparison. (L-R, Top-Bot: Gateron KS9 Pro 2.0 Yellow, Obsidian Pro, Invokeys Matcha Latte, Hoshizora, TTC Tiger, and SP Star Meteor White)
If you would like to learn more about these switches, I’ve already completed reviews or scorecards for some of them. If the names below are highlighted in a grey color, click them to be taken to my other content or reviews on them!
Gateron KS9 Pro 2.0 Yellow
- In terms of smoothness and stem wobble, these switches are pretty damn near identical. On these two points, alone, I think a large amount of the community would have trouble differentiating these two switches testing them in hand.
- With respect to their housing collision sound and feeling, as well, they’re not all that much different either. In a similar fashion to the Ducks switches with the MUTE pads removed, the KS9 Pro 2.0 Yellows are slightly more subtle and less aggressive in their topping out than the Ducks switches.
- There’s really not much more to compare here in terms of straight performance, to be entirely honest with you. Contextually, consider these metrics and that the Gateron KS9 Pro 2.0 Yellows were bought for $0.23 per switch and the cheapest RAMA WORKS sells Ducks is $0.97 per switch in a pack of 90.
Obsidian Pro
- In terms of sound at topping out, the Obsidian Pros are a lot more sharp and have a much more noticeable ping to them than that of the RAMA WORKS Duck switches.
- As well, the RAMA WORKS Ducks pretty handedly outpace the Obsidian Pros in stem wobble in both the N/S and E/W directions.
- Comparing the smoothness of these two switches, while the Obsidian Pros are certainly smooth compared to the wide world of switches, they have a noticeable amount of thin scratchiness that is highlighted when compared next to that of the Duck switches.
Invokeys Matcha Latte
- In terms of smoothness, the factory lubing on the Invokeys Matcha Latte is most similar to that of the RAMA WORKS Ducks out of any of the switches on this list. Perhaps the Matcha Lattes might be ever so slightly more thick and lubed in feeling than the Ducks, but it is not by much in the slightest.
- Regarding the housing collisions, the Invokeys Matcha Lattes are significantly more firm and muted feeling and sounding as compared to the Duck switches.
- As well, the Matcha Latte switches definitely put the RAMA WORKS Duck switches through the paces with respect to stem wobble, having both significantly less N/S and E/W stem wobble than the Ducks.
- While the Hoshizora switches have a little bit of scratch that is consistent throughout their stroke and likely a function of material choices, they are very much smooth in their own right. Comparing these to the Ducks, though, we get a comparison of a more raw, character driven feeling in the Hoshizora versus well honed, factory perfected lubrication in the Ducks.
- The Hoshizora switches are rather comparable to the Ducks in terms of stem wobble, having slightly less wobble in the N/S direction and just a hair more wobble in the E/W direction than the Duck switches.
- Even though both of these switches have an overall similar sound profile to them, the Hoshizora are just at tiny bit louder in terms of overall volume than the RAMA WORKS Duck switches.
TTC Tiger
- While the topping out housing collision in the TTC Tigers and RAMA WORKS Ducks have a similar feeling magnitude to them, the Tigers are surprisingly just a bit more thin and plasticky than that of the Ducks.
- Again, while both switches are certainly smooth in their own right, the Ducks absolutely take the cake in terms of overall smoothness and consistency with respect to such across the batch.
- The TTC Tigers, though, are a bit better with respect to general stem wobble than the RAMA WORKS Duck switches.
SP Star Meteor White (Grey Housing)
- While the SP Star Meteor Whites are a little bit quieter than the Ducks in terms of overall volume, the topping out and ping that accompanies it is much more jarring and discordant than the Ducks.
- The RAMA WORKS Ducks are definitely better than the SP Star Meteor Whites with resect to stem wobble, and especially in the E/W direction.
- As well, the Ducks edge out the Meteor Whites in terms of smoothness as SP Star hasn’t historically been competitive with factory lubrication or smoothness as compared to larger companies such as Gateron or Kailh.
Scores and Statistics
Note – These scores are not necessarily completely indicative of the nuanced review above. If you’ve skipped straight to this section, I can only recommend that you at least glance at the other sections above in order to get a stronger idea of my opinion about these switches.
Push Feel
The RAMA WORKS Ducks are by the molds and by the push feel very much in line with the late 2022 premium line of Gateron switches. With a heavy but well applied and consistent amount of factory lube, these switches are as smooth as you can get out of the box. The shortened travel distance with a stem pole bottoming out on nylon, as well, helps to make a slightly less disjointed pair of housing collisions. There is some variability in the housing collisions though, across the batch of switches which I received.
The Ducks have a minor amount of wobble in the E/W direction and slightly greater, potentially problematic (to certain sensitive users) amount of stem wobble in the N/S direction. There is no housing wobble to be found anywhere.
As cliché as it may be, the Ducks’ sound very much mirrors the points stated above in the ‘Push Feel’ section, and especially with respect to the topping and bottoming out. Some increased variability in the sound of these two points of contact are especially noticeable here in the sound category that weren’t as noticeable in the push feel one.
While I have no doubt that RAMA WORKS did put R&D time into these switches, and genuinely aim to continue to stock them in the near future, everything about this switch context wise is piss poor. The performance metrics boasted by the addition of the MUTE pads simply are not present, and the minimum per-switch cost at $0.97 per switch for what they do deliver is downright a disgrace. The latest, greatest, and 90% similar in Gateron Yellows are $0.23 per.
I do have to give credit to RAMA and crew where it is due for the uniqueness of this design feature. While a good idea that will be remembered, the execution just simply isn’t there.
If you are looking at this statistics section for the first time and wondering where the hell are the other 180 switches that I’ve ranked are, or what ‘hard’ versus ‘soft’ ranks refer to specifically, I’d encourage you to head on over to my GitHub linked in the table above or at the links in the top right hand of this website to check out my database of scorecards as well as the ‘Composite Score Sheet’ which has a full listing of the rankings for each and every switch I’ve ranked thus far.
Final Conclusions
This will certainly be one for the memory books. While the packaging is on point, the promises intriguing, and the pushing forward of the MX-footprint of switches was ever enticing, the RAMA WORKS Ducks have left me utterly disappointed if I am to be crystal clear and succinct in my feelings. Promises of improved stability and consistency as a function of these new MUTE pads simply did not deliver, and instead left me with a something more or less equivalent to already existing Gateron KS9 Pro 2.0 Yellow switches. Do these perform well? Absolutely, and I would be remiss if I didn’t praise the consistency and application of factory lubrication as well as the other qualities that were nailed as a function of mold design in wobble and the overall performance of these switches. But for a minimum of $0.97 per switch for something that is not even comparably different than the Gateron KS9 Pro 2.0 Yellow switches, and in my opinion marginally better without the MUTE pads in them at all, I could not in good conscience say that these switches are worth it unless you purely are in it for the flex material. Previously at the start of this review I very much tongue-in-cheek pointed to the questionable utility of some non-keyboard-based RAMA products, and in a very similar way to the BATS and NFC Cards, I can’t help but feel like the Duck switches have left me in that same uncanny valley of luxury priced goods with just something off about the performance they claim to have at that price.
If you ever wanted an understanding of why I have contextual scores as well as ‘hard’ performance scores, this will be your case study for the rest of my time in the hobby as to why I do so.
Mechbox UK
- A wonderful UK based operation which sells singles to switches that I’ve used above in my comparisons for collectors and the curious alike. Matt has gone out of his way to help me build out big parts of my collection, and buying something using this link supports him as well as my content!
KeebCats UK
- A switch peripheral company based out of the UK which sells everything switch adjacent you could ask for, they’ve been a huge help recently with my film and lube supply for personal builds, and they want to extend that help to you too. Use code ‘GOAT’ for 10% off your order when you check them out!
proto[Typist] Keyboards
- An all-things keyboard vendor based out of the UK, proto[Typist] is a regular stocker of everything from switches to the latest keyboard and keycap groupbuys. While I’ve bought things from the many times in the past, they also are a sponsor of my work and allow me to get some of the great switches I write about!
MKUltra Corporation
- We may have stolen a few government secrets to get this one together. MKUltra is a US vendor that truly fills all the gaps other vendors simply don’t offer and is continuing to expand their switch and switch related peripherals by the day. Use code ‘GOAT’ for 5% off your order when you check them out!
- Not only do they stock just about everything related to keyboards and switches, but they’re super friendly and ship out pretty quick too. Divinikey has been a huge help to me and my builds over the last year or two of doing reviews and they’ll definitely hook you up. Use code ‘GOAT’ for 5% off your order when you check them out!
- Do they really need any introduction? Zeal and crew kicked off the custom switch scene many years ago with their iconic Zealios switches and the story of switches today couldn’t be told without them. Use code ‘GOAT’ (or click the link above) for 5% off your order when you check them out!
MechMods UK
- A rising vendor based in the UK, Ryan and crew have been a pleasure to work with and have nearly everything you’d need to build your first or fourteenth keyboard. Go build your latest or greatest one right now with them by using code ‘GOAT’ at checkout for a 5% discount!
- A longtime supporter of the website and the collection, Dangkeebs has quite possibly the widest variety of switches of any vendor out there. Not only is their switch selection large, but it rotates and is constantly adding new stuff too. You’re going to need 5% off your order with my affiliate to save off the cost of all those switches!
- The brainchild of one my most adventurous proxies, SwitchOddities is a place where you can try out all the fancy, strange, and eastern-exclusive switches that I flex on my maildays with. Follow my affiliate code and use code ‘GOAT’ at checkout to save 5% on some of the most interesting switches you’ll ever try!
- Does anybody not know of Cannonkeys at this point? One of the largest vendors in North America with keyboards, switches, keycaps, and literally everything you could ever want for a keyboard always in stock and with an incredibly dedicated and loving crew. Follow my affiliate link above in their name to support both them and I when you buy yourself some switches!
Further Reading
RAMA WORKS Duck Marketing Page
KBD News RAMA Duck Switch Announcement
Exent 65% Groupbuy Reddit Post