Tecsee Honey Peach Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Tecsee Honey Peach Switch Review

Well, this is certainly one of the reviews of all time. Without much else to spoil my feelings on it, this review here dives deep on Tecsee Honey Peaches and the world’s first attempt at a full-metal center pole in a stem.

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Gateron Melodic Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Gateron Melodic Switch Review

It’s not often we get a new switch taking a swing at one niche technology, but how about two niche technologies? That’s right, check out this review to see just how well Gateron managed to shove both click leaves and a newer slider rail system in between a simple MX-style top housing and bottom housing in the Gateron Melodics.

(Hint: It goes over a lot better than you’re already guessing…)

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Feker Emerald Cabbage Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Feker Emerald Cabbage Switch Review

Not every switch review gets to be at the cutting edge of switch releases and sometimes that give us a chance to step back and look at other interesting switches which would otherwise fly under the radar. This week we take a look at a slowly growing budget brand that flies under many people’s radar, ‘Feker’, and one of their latest releases in Emerald Cabbages.

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Cherry MX Purple Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Cherry MX Purple Switch Review

For now the second year in a row I get to do an entirely too in depth dive on a new Cherry switch. Do these Cherry MX Purples - a historical first collaboration between Cherry and keyboard community content creator Glarses - signal the beginning of a new era of Cherry switches?

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Zaku II Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Zaku II Switch Review

While I know that I’m a bit late to reviewing this one, it only seemed fitting given that it’s been awhile since I’ve reviewed a tactile switch and I’ve somehow never discussed Zaku switches at all in content. So here it is - a deep dive of the new, Zaku II tactile switches.

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Invokeys x Alas Daydreamer Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Invokeys x Alas Daydreamer Switch Review

Have I really not done a long form, silent tactile switch review in several years now? I guess it’s about time that I get back around to doing that. This week, a deep dive into an Invokeys and Alas collab in the form of LICHICX-made Daydreamers.

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Sarokeys BCP Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Sarokeys BCP Switch Review

Sarokeys BCP switches - inspired by the ever popular Black Cherry Pie frankenswitch dreamed up in 2020 - are among rare crowd as an all-in-one recreation of a community favorite creation. Does their performance live up to that reputation that inspired their creation though?

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Tecsee Middle Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Tecsee Middle Switch Review

A shorter switch with a longer review. After eternally being behind the ball on getting something together for these strange half-height tactile switches, it’s finally here: a review of Tecsee’s attempt at entering the low profile switch market.

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Diamond Avalon Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Diamond Avalon Switch Review

After having spent the last month watching seemingly everyone in the community talk about the “new diamond-shaped switches” I finally got my hands on some. Check out my break down of the newest overhaul of the traditional MX-style switch structure in the Diamond Avalons.

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Moyu Studio x XCJZ Snow Grape Switch Review
Benjamin Rudzinski Benjamin Rudzinski

Moyu Studio x XCJZ Snow Grape Switch Review

What do Moyu Studio, XCJZ, Wikuo, and Durock/JWK all have in common? Well, certainly not a compelling joke to cap off this teaser. Click here to learn about the latest switch from Moyu Studio and to see if their collaboration with XCJZ really lives up to the names its already associated with…

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